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Monday, September 26, 2011


I’m all in favor of venting to someone, whether it’s a friend, a family member, a therapist, etc. There is certainly nothing wrong with it.

Back in high school, I talked to a social worker for about two years and periodically talked to her throughout college and even after that. It helped to get a lot of things off my chest and weight off my shoulders.

What helped even more, was confronting the person I had a problem with. That is what the social worker taught me and I think that was the best advice given to me.

If you are stressed out about a situation, why wouldn’t you want to talk to the person who’s causing you to worry? By thinking about it consistently, getting angry and all worked up, you’re causing more harm to yourself.

Even if you confront the person, and it does not go as planned, it’s fine. The important part is that it is out in the open, it was said; do not have regrets. Do not bottle up your emotions. You may say, “I wasn’t bottling it up; I talked to my best friend about it.” It is still considered holding back your feelings and concerns because you have wanted to say so many things directly to this certain someone, but you didn’t. You probably held back because you were afraid of it escalating into an argument. Maybe you thought it was pointless because you knew you could never get through to that person; it was like talking to a brick wall.

I say it is still worth a shot. It is buried in the back of your brain, whether you like to believe it or not. Don’t give yourself anxiety; face the person. You will feel some sort of relief.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

More Negativity...

Let me first say, that I do not watch the show, ‘Dancing with The Stars.’ There isn’t a particular reason; I just haven’t gotten into it.

But, as I was watching Ellen, she mentioned the controversy that is going on because it was announced Chaz Bono was going to be on it the new season.

We’re going to be approaching 2012, do people not understand this? This is the reality we live in. This matter is not going to disappear, so everyone should do their damn homework and stop being narrow-minded.

Everyone who has a problem with the LBGT community, I have something to tell you: Keep your remarks to yourself. You do not have any right to attack others, especially if you do not know them. There are plenty of them around you, yet you do not take the time to get to know them as a person. Have you forgotten that they are human beings too...just like you?

Your kids are not going to turn out lesbians by watching this season. They aren’t going to be bisexual. They aren’t going to turn gay. And, little Johnny is not going to say, “Mommy, I want to be a girl.”

Seriously? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Can you actually hear the words that are coming out of your mouth? They don’t sound absurd to you?

“But what about this idea, that it’s too much too soon for a lot of kids to handle?” What the hell are you talking about?! It’s a dancing show! He’s going to be dancing. There’s this lovely thing called a remote! Change the damn channel. Shut off the T.V.

Now, I can’t talk about this without bringing up religion. Why? People always refer to religion and God when it comes to this subject. Well, like I mentioned before, I was raised Catholic. So, therefore, I should disagree with the LBGT community.

I’ll be damned!

I was brought up to love everyone equally and accept everyone.

Why can’t you?

“God created him a female. Not a male.” “You shouldn’t mess with something God made.” “God doesn’t make mistakes.”

Here are a few thoughts: What about those babies born with both male and female organs? You’re going to disown them because they decided on (or their parents did) a gender that wasn’t to your liking? What about those born with a disfigurement? You’re saying it is wrong for them to have the surgery to correct it? And, those who have ailments, fatal or not, they shouldn’t go through treatment? No prescribed medication? No surgery? What if someone is born hearing impaired or completely unable to hear? You’re going to criticize them because they want surgery or want to wear a hearing aid?

That’s not what you’re saying? But, remember what comment (s) you made. It applies to everything else too. Everything. You can’t omit.

We cannot forget about animals either: same sex pairs. I suppose you’re going to tell me that it’s different, it is not the same. Or, maybe it’s still ‘wrong’.

You know what is ‘wrong?’ It’s your negativity. It is your inability to open your mind and your eyes to different things in this world.

Accepting every single individual, no matter the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their sexual orientation, is a must.

There is too much bullying everywhere; it’s all associated to color, background, and sexual preference.

It’s not needed.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"I Want It..."

I can’t bare the sight of people taking something that does not belong to them.

If you don’t have the money to spend, it’s not an invitation to go into stores or a person’s house to steal something.

Who do you think you are?

I see plenty of people who get their kids involved too. What are you teaching them? You’re teaching them that it’s okay to grab what they can’t afford. And, you’re bringing negativity into their lives. They don’t need to see that. And, God forbid if you get caught, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. There are some serious consequences.

It’s wrong.

You say you steal because you deserve it? Well, damn…newsflash: It’s not the answer. It’s illegal and you’re considered a criminal.

If you can’t afford it, work for it. It’s called LIFE. We all have to work for what we need and want. Be an adult, be a decent person, and do the right thing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I think people, who have the desire to commit a ridiculous crime, like breaking into someone’s home to eat from their fridge and to take a warm bath, should just write a novel about it.

Save yourself the charges and months to years behind bars by putting it all onto paper. It would make one hell of a story! Come on, it will entertain people. We’ll take the journey with you leading up to this humorous event.

I also think people should take their frustrations and their criminal minds and do something positive with them that do not land them in jail.

Turn it into a novel! People will read it because it’s interesting. It’s fictional; no one in reality gets hurt, dies, or gets incarcerated and that’s the beauty of being a writer.

I wish it were this simple for our world. It would be a much better place without horror stories being plastered on the front page of a newspaper.

But, it’s the reality we live in. And, it’s depressing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I was raised Catholic.
I was baptized and I attended Mass every Sunday. I completed Sunday school from kindergarten through seventh grade and I made my communion and confirmation.
I believe in God. I haven’t attended church in a very long time, but I don’t think God holds it against me. I was criticized because I am not an active member in my church, I do not attend Masses every week, and I do not donate enough.
First of all, how much is ‘enough’? Any amount donated should be appreciated. I find it inconsiderate and disrespectful that they even keep track of how much each person donates each year.
I do not need to attend church every week to get an acceptance from God. My God is happy I pray and talk to Him in my own home.
This does not mean I am a ‘bad’ catholic.
Everyone who claims they are a ‘good’ catholic is probably full of it. Most of them walk out of their church; doing and saying things they shouldn’t be if they’re such a ‘good’ catholic.
I know what is right and what is wrong. I treat everyone with respect and fairness and I do not do anything illegal. Not attending church or giving a ‘generous’ donation does not make me a horrible person.
Do not put your religious beliefs on me. Do not tell me what I should believe and what I shouldn’t. You may state your opinions, but watch how you word your sentences.