Pin, Pin, Pin!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


It’s a wonderful feeling when you are surrounded by people who are applauding and encouraging you in all that you’re doing.

Hold on to those people; keep them close beside you.  Those are the ones who will be with you through thick and thin without having to question it.

The people, who are interrogating your decisions and are not showing support, let them go.  You don’t have to let them go forever, but at least for a short period of time so that they can rethink and put themselves in your shoes.

Negativity is never a good thing.  They should be lifting up your spirits when needed and giving you advice.  After all, isn’t that what family and friends are all about?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mandatory or Choice?

“When you have kids in the future, will you bring them up Catholic?”

This was the question asked to me and I quickly answered, “yes”.  But, then I had time to think about it.

Would I really?  I’m not so sure.

When I think back, I remember feeling miserable in Sunday school and Confirmation classes when I was in middle school.  I did not like it one bit!  But, it was mandatory by my parents.  And, when eighth grade came and it was my choice if I wanted to complete one more year of Sunday school, I chose not to.  That made me happy.

As I got older, it was my choice if I wanted to attend church with my parents.  If I did not want to go, they did not force me.

I keep thinking; would I really want to put my son or daughter through that?  They will be young.  Why would I make it mandatory for them?  Why can’t it wait until they are a bit older?

Maybe I will raise them Catholic and when they are old enough, they can make the choices for themselves regarding religion.  There are many different faiths, so why can’t they explore?

I am very open to the idea.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

You and Happiness

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

Don’t worry about what others are saying and don’t worry about what others are thinking.  By allowing yourself to think about it, you’re harming yourself.  If you’re allowing yourself to get agitated over it, you’re taking a step back.  It’s not worth the aggravation.

Don’t let anyone destroy your happiness.  Continue to go about your day and move forward.  You’ll be pleased in the end.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

They Don't Belong in the Trash!

I don't know if you all remember the post I wrote awhile back (last january - click the label at the bottom to view it) about the birthday cards/graduation cards (etc) that I've saved throughout the years.

I was finally able to take all the cards out of the ziplock bags and sort through them. The first birthday card I had saved was indeed from my 13th birthday. Following that birthday would be my 8th grade graduation! I put all the cards in order by year and now they are all ready for scrapbooking.

For every card that Will got from my family, I began saving also...or at least I thought it was all me! Going through all the ziplock bags, I realized he had cards and letters saved before he met awesome is that?

It's well over 10 years of memories that if we had tossed them in the garbage, we could never get them back.

I was able to read my Uncle's letters he sent to me and view his handwriting; it was a very emotional night. Not only do I miss him, but I will forever have his cards and letters to look at whenever I'd like.

From special messages to handmade cards, I can't wait for everything to be neatly displayed in an album...or two...or three!