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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Goodbye and Hello

Goodbye January, Hello February!

Is January really over?  How did it come and go already? 

I have realized that this past month, I did accomplish quite a few things and I’m hoping February will be even better.

I’m going to continue to take one task, one goal at a time so I don’t overwhelm myself.  Anxiety has been creeping up on me every so often for the last month or two.  I’m going to try to kick this unwanted disorder!

February, I welcome you with arms wide open.

Friday, January 30, 2015


This quote really got me thinking.  Besides writer's block and poor time management, the reason for the lack of entries in my blog is because I want perfection.  Sometimes this can be a blessing and a curse!

This year I've been really dedicated in writing and editing and I have to say I'm doing a pretty damn good job!  What's the difference between now, a few months ago, or even a year ago?  Goal setting!  It's helping me stay focused on all of my New Year's Resolutions.  Let's continue on with this greatness, shall we?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's a Brilliant Way

 So, if this is true and we all understand this, why haven't we stopped already?  Pick up the phone to talk or set up a time to meet face-to-face with the person.  We're creatures of habit - that's the real reason why we continue to use long text messages to describe what's on our mind and how we're feeling.  Hopefully there will be a time where we learn from our mistakes.  If you can pick up your phone and tap away at the keys to create a text, you can click one button to dial their number.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


The definition of “friend” from is – A person who helps or supports someone.

In a friendship, having support is extremely important to me.  I am tired of giving and being a kind-hearted person, and getting none of it back.  It’s frustrating.  If I am there for you, you better be there for me.  If not, how can we be labeled “friends”?  In order for any relationship to work, both parties need to contribute.  I am done putting in all the effort to make a relationship work.

Don’t act like your problems are far worse than mine or anyone else.  It explains a lot about your character…and it’s looking pretty ugly on the inside.  Newsflash: every single person in this world is dealing with something; tragic or insignificant.  But, if I can be there for you no matter what I’m dealing with in my own life, why can’t you be there for me?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I’ve done a little research about my Zodiac sign: Scorpio.  Some things are absolutely true and others don’t describe me at all.

Resentful:  Yes, I get hurt easily by negative treatment, but I am not one to “get even” with those who insulted me.  I just keep my distance from them.
Jealous:  I am not possessive and jealous; far from it actually.
Manipulative and Stubborn: “Scorpio-born has a knack of getting things done their way.”  A little!  At least when it comes to my family, I have been known to be a “baby” because I want something done my way.  This is definitely a negative trait, but I’m happy to say I am not like this too often.
Balanced and Focused: I am definitely mature and balanced, not immature and careless.  With a task at hand, I think everything out thoroughly; pros and cons.  Sometimes I'm a little too focused and zone out.  I definitely work hard, no matter what.  I always go above and beyond the call of duty.

I will never lose sleep over failures because no matter what, I can pat myself on the back and say, “I gave it my best shot!”  That is important.  I do believe we all learn something, big or small, from our defeats.

I am a loyal friend because I believe loyalty is important, but I never, ever forget a wrong – Every wrong done to me gets stored in my memory.  I can keep a secret if you ask me to because I value secrecy.  I definitely choose my friendships carefully – if I can’t trust you, I can’t befriend you.

My home and family are sacred to me; don’t mess with them!

Friday, January 2, 2015


Hello 2015! I figured it was only best to have a resolutions post like I did for 2013 (I don’t know why I didn’t make one for 2014!)  Now, looking back at that post, I’m a little sad to say that I will be repeating some of those New Year resolutions, but adding some also!

1.)    More reading - I want to focus on reading a new book once a month!

2.)    More writing – I want to continue editing my story (this is the year to FINALLY finish it and send it out to many places).  I also want to post more on this blog.

3.)    Scrapbooking – I want to finally get our album up to date.  I am about 5+ years behind!

4.)    Lose weight – this is still a journey I’m continuing because I’m not at my ideal weight.  Being on an organic/gluten free diet the past 3 months has helped.  I’m taking it one day at a time, but I would like this to be THE year where I reach my goal and I maintain it.

5.)    I am committing to exercising 3 times a week – nothing less.

6.)    Find a career job – whether it’s working in an office, working from home, or finally being a published novelist…It will happen.

7.)    I want to try new foods! I’m starting out slow, but that’s okay!

8.)    I am going to speak my mind and not let anyone walk all over me.  I am finding my courage, finding the strength to stand tall and not let anyone bring me down.  I know what makes me happy and I will surround myself with only happiness, not negativity and insults from others.

2015…you are going to be fantastic!