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Saturday, October 6, 2012

I Will Be Okay

Ive been neglecting my blog, but not purposely.  Writing has not been an easy task lately…for the last few months to be exact.  I’m finding it difficult to be able to sit down and write out what I’m feeling.

Honestly, life in general has gotten in the way.  I’m not complaining.  I know life is not a walk in the park; situations occur and individuals find ways to deal with them as they come along.  Oh, those bumps in the road…whether they are small or big, we find ways to get through them.

Too many things are happening at once and it is a little overwhelming.  It’s a bit challenging at times to keep positive when that feeling of suffocation is upon me.

Before getting to that point of a meltdown, I like to surround myself with happiness and loved ones to feel at ease.

This all will pass and life can go back to what it used to be like. 

Less dramatic moments.

I will be okay.
I’m strong.

1 comment:

  1. Yes you will be ok! I know exactly how you feel because that's how I've been feeling this entire someone dropped me in the middle of the ocean and I'm desperately trying not to drown even though I can't really swim. And just when I think I've got the hang of this floating thing either a giant wave comes my way or I'm surrounded by sharks. Haha. Being an adult sucks. Being an adult right now sucks even more.
