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Monday, May 19, 2014


You’ll never forget the people who were there for you when you hit a few rough patches.  They hold a special place in your heart and you’ll cherish and remember the advice they gave you and the kind words that were said.

I’ve been through a whole lot and I’m still standing.  It amazes me how much I’ve grown as a person, how much my goals have changed, and how well I have been able to express myself to others.  The girl I was years ago is now a mature adult who perceives things differently now.  It’s part of life for everyone, really.

But, even so, once in a while I feel the need to vent.  I talk to the ones I’m closest with and I will always turn to them; however, there’s always that one person on the outside that I want to confide in.  She means the world to me and I’m grateful she stepped into my life when she did.  I honestly do not know if I would be the person I am today without her.


  1. That's such a nice post! I hope that person knows how much they mean to you. I'm glad you have people in your life that you can talk to. :)

    Also, hope you got some writing done! ;)

  2. =) Thanks! Yup, she knows. ----Writing on the other hand, haven't done any :-( Doing so many other things....I will though. Ahhh
