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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fun Facts Continued...

And, the fun facts keep on coming…

20 More Fun Facts about…Me.

1.) I have an obsession with heels.  I think being short has something to do with that…

2.) I drive with my seat pulled up very close to the steering wheel.

3.) I always sit on a pillow while I drive. (This is where you laugh or at least smile…)

4.) When I fill up my gas tank, the numbers look something like this: $20.00, $25.75, never something like $21.33, $24.69, $27.98.  I cringe.  A little O.C.D.

5.) I like cubed ice in my drinks, never crushed.

6.) Regardless of proper table setting, my cup at any meal always stays above my plate on the right.

7.) My napkin and silverware also stay on the right hand side.  I don’t care that it’s poor etiquette.  It’s the way it has to be.

8.) My sport as a child was basketball.  Never played on a team, but was always in our backyard shooting some hoops. =)

9.) I’ve never broken a bone.

10.) I’m a big Kevin Bacon fan.

11.) I do not like to eat mango, but anything mango flavored (smoothies and icecream) is delicious.

12.) Jelly Belly = scrumptious.

13.) I have a berry obsession. I never used to eat blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries until a few years ago.

14.) I have a hatred for mushrooms.

15.) I dislike fig newtons.

16.) Least favorite cereal: Cheerios.

17.) I’m partial to thunderstorms.

18.) I love to cuddle.

19.) I would love to have 3 kids (2 of my own, 1 adopted).

20.) I rarely, if ever, talk about sex.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fun Facts

I needed to write a fun blog post tonight!  Anxiety has been a pain in the neck since last week, so I thought it would be good for a change.

20 Fun Facts about… Me.

1.) 95% of my week is spent wearing a cardigan sweater over all my shirts. Is there a reason? 90% of my shirts are sleeveless and they aren’t allowed at work.  The other 10% is just because I freakin’ feel like it. =)

2.) Even though my favorite color is purple, most of my wardrobe is black.

3.) I slouch.  A lot.  It started at a young age and I couldn’t break the habit - No matter how many times my grandmother tapped me on the back and told me to sit up straight.

4.) I’m not afraid to admit… that I sleep with a stuffed animal.  A monkey.  Seriously. It was Valentine’s Day (maybe 2005 or 2006) when Will surprised me with it and it’s been with me ever since.  After many washes and cuddling sessions, he’s ripping at the seams between the neck and arm.  I probably should take the time out to sew him back up.


5.) I change my bed sheets every week.  I know some that do it every two weeks.  Whatever makes you happy – changing mine every week makes me happy.

6.) I shower at night before bed.  This is how I see it: Why the hell would I jump into a bed with clean sheets after being out in the world all day?  I’m considered dirty.  I’m covered in allergens and I feel icky.  I don’t understand leaving the showering for the morning.  People say, “I do it to wake up.”  That’s why coffee was invented. =)  Some shower at night and in the morning.  Fantastic.  Again, whatever makes you happy!

I don’t have patience painting my nails.  I always seem to ruin them before they have a chance to fully dry because I can’t sit still.  When I do paint them, they chip anyway during work between peeling off labels and opening boxes.

8.) I am the clumsiest person you’ll meet.  I cut corners to close, I walk into pegs on the wall at work, I sway into fixtures at work, I hit my elbows on the counters, I hit my knees on the bed frame, I ram my shins into drawers because sometimes I forget to shut them completely.  Need I say more?

Because I am so clumsy, I get bruises a lot.  The current one I have is on my right shin because I didn’t close the drawer below my bed and I turned to walk….bam!

I don’t do well around insects.  But, then again, how many people are calm?

During winter, I live in the heat.  During summer, I live in the A/C.

12.) “Let’s go to the beach to get a sun tan!”  How about no?

“Let’s go snow tubing…or skiing…or…” How about no?

Let’s do some simple math here. Me + Water = bad combination.  Me + Heights = bad combination.  Why?  Water: Besides the fact that I got thrown into a swimming pool when I was younger without knowing how to swim?  I still don’t know how to swim.  Tried plenty of times and I just can’t seem to do it.  I can’t float and I feel like I’m going to drown.  Heights:  I don’t like the feeling of not being on the ground.  I feel like I’m going to die.

2 semesters of Spanish in high school and 2 semesters of it in college and I still can’t speak it.  I know certain words and phrases, I can understand a little of a conversation when it’s spoken and can make out what’s on paper, but that’s as far as it goes.

I can spend hours at a library.  I love books.

I’m partial to herbal teas.

18.) Flavored iced coffees = heaven.

19.) I do not eat fish or any kind of seafood.  Have I tried some?  Sure.  Still won’t eat them.

20.) Radishes are the most confusing foods.  They taste like dirt and I will never understand them.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Tonight I dug through early college assignments to go down memory lane.  This was from my Creative Writing class and I did very little critiquing to keep it as close to the original as possible.

A “home” is known to have many definitions.  When I walk up that concrete driveway and step through that heavy white door, I want my relatives to greet me with arms wide open.  The greatest feeling in the world is a hug so tight it almost stops your circulation and makes it difficult to inhale and exhale.
A home is where memories are created; the good and the bad.  It’s where you took those first baby steps on that cold tiled floor and tripped over your own tiny feet and fell on your behind.  Thank goodness for that cushioned diaper!  It’s where your first pet goldfish died a couple days after your mother purchased it.  Soon after, she bought you a new pet to lift up your spirits.

Home is a place where your loved ones are supportive in every decision you make; whether it’s to travel 1,000 miles away to continue your education or to move out on your own in a studio apartment to become more independent.

Home is where you can be yourself.  You don’t have to pretend to be something that you aren’t.  You can run around barefoot and smack yourself senseless; giving everyone a good laugh.  Tears will fill their eyes as they hold their hands to their stomach and try not to fall out of their chairs.

A home is where you can curl up on your bed after a long day of work and relax your mind, body, and soul.  You can daydream as you try to fight your eyelids from shutting, and when you’ve finally given up and realize you can’t win, you’ll fall into a deep sleep.  That’s until you hear the irritating beep of your alarm clock, waking you up to start a brand new day and create more meaningful memories.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Wake Up

This post is brought to you by a song!

Wake Up by Three Days Grace

Where the hell are you?
When I need you

Just those two lines alone bring up so many memories, past, current, and future (I think way too much).  It never fails – when those lyrics are sung, I can’t help but cry.

I touched a little on this in my previous post: we need people in our life to support us.  We need an ear to listen, we need a shoulder to cry on, and we need positive feedback.

When we don’t get that from certain people we expect it from, it feels like our world comes crashing down.  That support system that we once thought we had disappears.

It’s a terrible feeling.

Hold tight onto the individuals that you were able to lean on and don’t focus on the ones who have vanished from your life.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Supporting and Believing

Joel Osteen couldn’t have said it better.  “Some people need to hear that you believe in them.  When you tell them, “You’re amazing, you’re going to do great things, I’m praying for you,” it’s giving life.  That seems simple to you, but to that other person it can help them blossom into who they were created to be.”

I want to thank one of my BFF’s (hahaha, I feel like I’m in middle school typing that) for sharing this with me.

We all want others, especially loved ones, to support and believe in us.  We don’t need criticism.   
We aren’t going to live our lives the way they want us to.  That’s not how it works.  We do things for ourselves; what’s best for us, not them.  We’re going to make mistakes because we’re human, not perfect.  Hopefully we don’t repeat the same errors twice and lessons are learned.

That’s what I’ve been missing.  I want to know what I’ve done to deserve the putdowns and 
doubts.  I am not a failure.  I’m far from it actually.  It’s very insulting when I’m clearly doing the best I can under the circumstances, but it’s all being overlooked.  Why?  I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all about the fixation on the things others can’t grasp.

Newsflash:  You don’t have to understand.  I don’t have to explain my reasoning as to why I made the decisions I have.

Why is it so difficult to be supportive and believe that I will end up with the things I’ve dreamed of?

Friday, April 3, 2015

It's an Egg Hunt!

We did an Easter Egg Hunt again for my little cousins - 11 & 13 years old. I thought they would be out of that phase, but they had a blast searching for those eggs!  Of course my camcorder battery was dead, so I couldn't record what was happening. I did get good pictures though.

This year, we forgot to fill some with coins & dollar bills - but besides a few pieces of candy, we gave them cool toys (toys that they use/collect and will not throw out).  Will and I always have a good time doing this for them.

I asked the kids to be honest with us - would they be too old for an egg hunt next year? The oldest said he didn't know & the youngest said "We can still do it!"

I'm thinking next year they will get baskets with bigger gifts in them. They are getting that age where there isn't a lot of "small" items to fit in the eggs.

It breaks my heart. I feel so old. -_-