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Monday, August 29, 2011

Negativity is Not Needed

I love hearing people say they’re doing something they enjoy. Whether it’s a job or a hobby, if it puts a smile on your face and you’re good at it, then you should continue doing it. If you aren’t good at it, remember that practice makes perfect.

If you want to try new things – be my guest, go right ahead! I’m all for it. Your options are endless and you never know what you are good at until you try. The worst that can happen is you fail at it. But, in all reality, you didn’t quite fail because at least you tried. You have to give yourself credit for that at least.

So what if you talk it up and then change your mind to do something different? It’s okay if you are not quite sure what you want to do in your career or what hobby you want to hold on to. Everyone has those moments. We all are trying to find our place in the world; our niche, our specialty. Don’t ever feel left out; you are never the only one.

Most importantly, don’t let anyone bring you down! You are much stronger than that. I know you are. Let those negative comments go in one ear and out the other. Don’t give it a chance to process through your brain because it will make you second guess yourself.

You have to do what makes you happy.

You have to do what’s best for you.

The decisions are all yours to make.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

People really need to count their blessings.

Hurricane Irene may not have damaged your property, but around the corner maybe wasn’t so lucky. There were plenty of areas flooded, without power, without water, and houses destroyed by trees.

And, you say it was all ‘hype’? Did you really want a tree to smash your car? Why? Did you really want your house wrecked? Why? Did you want to brag about it? Be thankful that your house is intact, your car is safe, and you and your loved ones are unharmed.

People’s lives did end because of this hurricane. Are you still going to say ‘it was nothing!’?

So, my advice to you is this: Before you open up your mouth to say something ignorant and selfish, let it process through your brain; rethink.

Those remarks say a lot about you as a person. If I were you, I’d apologize. Have some courage to stand up and realize this was indeed a tragedy.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I am not a mother. But, my opinions do matter.

If we think back to how we were raised, most of us know what we liked, what we did not like, and what we did not want to repeat for our future family.

It does not matter how old you are - you always need your parents. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for financial advice from them, or you would like a discussion on a career choice, or you would like to just shoot the breeze with them.

If you’re a parent, it is not always about you and what you want. Your kids should be your number one priority. It’s when they are young that you need to shape them into the people they are going to grow up to be. It’s your job to teach them right from wrong, to cloth them, feed them, steer them in the right direction, discipline them, and the list goes on.

Your kids deserve to have stability in their life and be in a loving environment. They learn from you! If you do anything negative and they’ll catch on to it. It’ll begin a cycle that will be very hard to break.

It’s sickening to know there are parents out there who do not give their kids the proper attention and neglect them.

They need to act mature and take responsibility. And it needs to happen sooner than later.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Have Some Respect

The world is full of thoughtless people.

They have the audacity to do and say things that most people wouldn’t. Why can’t we be courteous to others? Why can’t we show some respect? What is so difficult about it?

Respect is a two way street! Not a one way, like most think. If the tables were turned and you found a certain statement or action to be rude – newsflash, it indicates that it is rude. So do not do it, do not say it.

In order for that to be accomplished, you have to give it some thought. It’s not about you; it’s about the other people you’re interacting with. But, if you do not have respect for them, you do not have respect for yourself.

Think about it.