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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Positivity Bug

For once, I have some time on my hands! It already feels amazing.

I knew changes needed to be made a few months ago because I was having one too many meltdowns. As I think back to the last year, I was definitely in a funk. At the time, I wasn't in the right state of mind to tell myself, "Wait a minute. This can't keep happening. Something needs to change." 

I'm the type of person that pushes through things in hopes that it'll work itself out. But, in the meantime, I was deteriorating.

I was always working. At first I was grateful, but was it worth it if I was miserable? Was it worth the tears, the exhaustion, the 20lb weight gain?

Absolutely not. I was finally going to put myself first. When I gave my two week notice to my second job, I felt the weight lift off my shoulders. That feeling of suffocation was gone. 

In a matter of two weeks, I've learned how devastating it is to put yourself on the back burner. You have to treat yourself right. Once you do, you'll have a clearer mind.

Everything started to fall into place when I took the step to better myself. I matter. If I don't take care of myself physically, emotionally, spirtually, mentally...who will?