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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Best Decision

So, I did not make the goal I had set for myself: 10 blog postings for the month of November.  I was close though and I give myself credit for that.  School is what interrupted me. 

It’s going on my third week and I absolutely love it.  I’m learning a tremendous amount of concepts and skills and I’m taking the information I studied and seeing if it relates to any event that’s happened in my life.  My brain soaks up every bit of detail that way and I understand it fully when I can connect it to an occasion.

I’m averaging an A & B in my two classes as of now and I’m ecstatic.  It’s just an amazing feeling to get graded on my writing – writings where I am giving examples in my own life to show I comprehend the readings.  It’s been three years since I’ve been in school, but I definitely can tell the difference in how depth the assignments are for a Bachelor’s degree as opposed to an Associate’s.  But, I’m doing it and loving it.

I’m experiencing the hard work and dedication again; the constant late nights where I’m completing an assignment or just getting a head start, highlighters running out because I marked up all my papers, where I’m trying to balance work, academic, and social life.  But, I honestly wouldn’t trade it for the world.

This was the best decision I could have ever made for myself.