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Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

What am I thankful for?

First, the obvious:

The remarkable people in my life; friends, best friends, and family.  They have been there for me through thick and thin; who have been by my side when I needed them the most.  They are in my life for a reason.  I cannot live without them.  It makes me happy to know I talk to them every day and see them as often as I can.  We make memories together; ones that I will always remember.

Secondly, I am thankful for my job.

I may not get paid a lot, but it’s an upgrade from the one I used to have.  I enjoy it.  And, not many people can say that.

But, the one thing I am most grateful for is finally finding medications that decrease my pain.  Okay, so I’m on three different medications and I still have some pain…but, I’m thankful that I can function.  I’m not where I was months ago and last year.  I pray that it stays this way.

It’s allowing me to spend time with my awesome friends and have fun.  It’s allowing me to work more than four hour shifts at my job.  I was diagnosed with this chronic pain syndrome, but I’m making the best of it.

This is where I’m grateful to have the people in my life that I do because they helped me in any way they could with this.  One specific moment that sticks out in my mind is when I thought I could take a thirty minute walk one day.  Well, there was no way I was making it back home.  My best friend was at work, but she called her boyfriend to come get me.  That’s a true friend and I’m thankful every day that I was able to meet her.  You know who you are!!!  She’s my “homie”.  And, I love her.

I’m blessed with people who have a heart of gold and I thank God for sending them my way.  Without them, life wouldn’t be the same.


  1. This made me very, very emotional. I love this post and I love you! So sweet omg! :)
