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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let You Down

I decided to write a different kind of post tonight.  This piece is brought to you by a song!

Have you ever had one of those days when you’re in the mood to listen to a certain genre of music?  On my way to the gym, I wanted to listen to Three Days Grace.  I’ve listened to this CD countless of times before, but tonight, the lyrics to “Let You Down” stirred up a lot of emotions and thoughts.

Trust me
I'll be there when you need me
You'll be safe here
And when you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

I will let you down
I'll let you down, I'll
When you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

Whether it’s a family member or a close friend, there’s always that one person who you think you can count on.  They might give you the speech, “I’m here when you need me” or “You can count on me to be there.”  And, it’s in our nature to have faith in them, to trust them.

But, they let you down in the end.  Sometimes, it happens more than once or twice.  It’s your decision when to put your foot down and to realize that they can’t be relied on for support.

Go elsewhere for a venting session and advice.  Don’t continue to be led on, to build up your hope, only to have it snatched away from you.

We are better than that.  We deserve better.


  1. I hear you! Story of my life. I expect my friends to be as loyal as I am to them and they never are; they always let me down or betray me. It hurts like hell, because I feel like there's no one out there that really cares about me. That's why I hold grudges. It's not that I'm plotting revenge or anything - but why am I going to let someone back into my life that has hurt me? That's just asking for it. Very rarely do I forgive.

  2. :'( deep piece buddy. I understand where you're coming from. Why are people like that? Awful.
